Как бытие относится к рождению, так истина относится к вере.

По отношению к государству положение самых порядочных людей настолько тяжелое, что ничего не может быть хуже.

Невежество - это как бы шествие рядом с Божеством, а беспутство, судя по всему, это как бы сопутствие вещам. Таким образом, имена, которые мы считаем названиями наихудших вещей, могут оказаться названиями самых лучших.

Те, кто подлинно предан философии, заняты только одним - умиранием и смертью. Люди, как правило это не замечают, но если это все же так, было бы, разумеется нелепо всю жизнь стремиться только к этому, а потом, когда оно оказывается рядом, негодовать на то,  в чем так долго и с таким рвением упражнялся! 

Бесспорно, есть люди, которым лучше умереть, чем жить, и, размышляя о них - о тех, кому лучше умереть, - ты будешь озадачен, почему считается нечестивым, если такие люди сами окажут себе благодеяние, почему они обязаны ждать, пока их облагодетельствует кто-то другой.


Алкивиад 1

Алкивиад 2

Апология Сократа

Гиппий Больший

Гиппий меньший
























Title: Alcibiades (I)
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Alcibiades (part 1) (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Alcibiades (part 2) (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Apology
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Apology
Author: Plato
Collection: Last Days of Socrates

Title: Apology
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Apology
Author: Plato
Collection: Exploring Ancient World Cultures

Title: Apology
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Apology (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Charmides
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Charmides
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Charmides
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Charmides (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Cleitophon (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Cratylus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Cratylus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Cratylus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Cratylus
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Cratylus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Critias
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Critias
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Critias
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Critias (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Critias: Footnotes
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Last Days of Socrates

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Exploring Ancient World Cultures

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Crito
Author: Plato

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Title: Crito
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Crito (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Epinomis (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Euthydemos
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Euthydemus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Euthydemus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Euthydemus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Euthydemus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: Last Days of Socrates

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Euthyphro
Author: Plato
Collection: Exploring Ancient World Cultures

Title: Euthyphro (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Gorgias
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Gorgias
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Gorgias
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Gorgias
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Gorgias
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Gorgias (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Greater Hippias (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Hipparchus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Ion
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Ion
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Ion (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Ion (Plato)
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Laches
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Laches
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Laches
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Laches
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Laches (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Laws
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Laws
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Laws
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Laws
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Laws (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Lesser Hippias (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Letters (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Lovers (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Lysis
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Lysis
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Lysis
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Lysis
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Lysis (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Menexenus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Menexenus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Meno
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Meno
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Meno
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Meno
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Meno
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Meno (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Minos (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Parmenides
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Parmenides
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Parmenides
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Parmenides
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Parmenides (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: Last Days of Socrates

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Phaedo
Author: Plato

Title: Phaedo (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Phaedrus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Phaedrus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Philebus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Philebus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Philebus
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Philebus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Philebus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Protagoras
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Protagoras
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Protagoras
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Protagoras
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Protagoras (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Republic
Author: Plato

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Republic
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Republic (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Selected Poems
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Seventh Letter
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Seventh Letter
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Sophist
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Sophist
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Sophist
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Sophist (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Statesman
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Statesman
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Statesman
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Statesman (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato
Collection: Ancient Sourcebook

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Symposium
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Symposium (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo
Author: Plato
Collection: Bartleby

Title: The Seventh Letter
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: The Seventh Letter
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Theaetetus
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Theaetetus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Theaetetus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Theaetetus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Theages (Greek and English)
Author: Plato
Collection: Perseus Project

Title: Timaeus
Author: Plato

Title: Timaeus
Author: Plato
Collection: Virginia Tech

Title: Timaeus
Author: Plato
Collection: NetLibrary

Title: Timaeus
Author: Plato
Collection: 4Literature.net

Title: Timaeus
Author: Plato
Collection: Classics Archive

Title: Timaeus (Greek and English)
Author: Plato



Beavers, Anthony F. Plato's Republic: Alphabetical Bibliography of Sources in English.
RESEARCH TOOL - ENGLISH - #000051 - 40.6K - "plato"=220 - TOPICS 2
House, D. K. Did Aristotle Understand Plato? Animus.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #000020 - 60.5K - "plato"=127 - SELECTED 1 - TOPICS 2
Ross, Kelly L. Plato's Republic.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #001071 - 46.0K - "plato"=91 - SELECTED 1 - TOPICS 1
Salkever, Stephen G. Review of James C. Klagge and Nicholas D. Smith, eds., Methods of Interpreting Plato and His Dialogues. BMCR.
REVIEW - ENGLISH - #000370 - 26.7K - "plato"=91 - TOPICS 1
Wein, Sheldon. Plato's Moral Psychology. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010067 - 27.7K - "plato"=71 - TOPICS 2
Beavers, Anthony F. Plato's Phaedrus: Alphabetical Bibliography of Sources in English.
RESEARCH TOOL - ENGLISH - #000052 - 14.4K - "plato"=69 - TOPICS 3
Beavers, Anthony F. Plato's Phaedo: Alphabetical Bibliography of Sources in English.
RESEARCH TOOL - ENGLISH - #000054 - 16.3K - "plato"=65 - TOPICS 3
Fortunoff, David. Dialogue, Dialectic, and Maieutic: Plato's Dialogues as Educational Models. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010049 - 42.5K - "plato"=60 - TOPICS 2
Beavers, Anthony F. Plato's Symposium: Alphabetical Bibliography of Sources in English.
RESEARCH TOOL - ENGLISH - #000053 - 10.7K - "plato"=53 - TOPICS 2
Visintainer, John. A Potential Infinity of Triangle Types: On the Chemistry of Plato's Timaeus. Hyle.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010009 - 27.5K - "plato"=53 - TOPICS 3
Blundell, Mary Whitlock. Review of Christopher Janaway, Images of Excellence: Plato's Critique of the Arts. BMCR.
REVIEW - ENGLISH - #000367 - 14.9K - "plato"=44 - TOPICS 1
Purchase from Amazon.com
Ziniewicz, Gordon L. Plato: Republic: Order and Justice: The Divided Line: The Cave Allegory.
COURSE RESOURCE - ENGLISH - #001080 - 43.1K - "plato"=43 - TOPICS 1
Boutros, Victor. Spelunking with Socrates: A Study of Socratic Pedagogy in Plato's Republic. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010042 - 36.7K - "plato"=43 - TOPICS 2
Moses, Greg. 'By the Dog of Egypt': Plato's Engagement with Egyptian Form, and the Scholarship of Cheikh Anta Diop.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010968 - 42.9K - "plato"=42 - TOPICS 1
Wedgwood, Ralph Nicholas. Plato's Symposium: Part 1.
COURSE RESOURCE - ENGLISH - #001024 - 21.1K - "plato"=41 - SELECTED 1 - TOPICS 1
Wedgwood, Ralph Nicholas. Plato's Phaedo: Part 1.
COURSE RESOURCE - ENGLISH - #001019 - 24.1K - "plato"=40 - TOPICS 1
Todd, Robert B. Review of Penelope Murray, ed., Plato on Poetry: Ion; Republic 376e-398b; Republic 595-608b10. BMCR.
REVIEW - ENGLISH - #000379 - 37.5K - "plato"=39 - TOPICS 1
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Nails, Debra. Plato's Antipaideia: Perplexity for the Guided. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010057 - 22.9K - "plato"=38 - TOPICS 2
Chin, Jacqueline. Plato's Republic: Inner Justice, Ordinary Justice and Just Action in the Polis. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #011953 - 35.4K - "plato"=36 - TOPICS 2
Ambuel, David. Review of Terence Irwin, Plato's Ethics. BMCR.
REVIEW - ENGLISH - #000366 - 45.7K - "plato"=35 - TOPICS 5
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Krentz, Arthur A. Play and Education in Plato’s Republic. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #011140 - 39.1K - "plato"=32 - TOPICS 2
The Cambridge Companion to Plato. Ed. Richard Kraut. Cambridge University Press.
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Plato. Plato: Vol. 5: The Republic: Books 1-5. Trans. Paul Shorey. Harvard University Press.
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Turner, Jeffrey S. The Project of Self-Education in Plato’s Protagoras, Gorgias, and Meno. The Paideia Project On-Line.
ESSAY - ENGLISH - #010065 - 34.9K - "plato"=29 - TOPICS 5
Gerson, Lloyd P. Review of Gail Fine, On Ideas: Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms. BMCR.


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